Donate to keep History Alive!

There are many ways you can support the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates in providing an interesting and historic experience for children and adults.  We rely on our Members, Volunteers, and Donors to keep the Battlefield alive.  What we do is on the Education, Events, and Tours web pages.  Your support makes this work possible-  Thank You!


Why I should Donate

By contributing, you help preserve an undervalued national treasure and the history it encompasses.  Our park not only serves as a national icon, but as a tool for interpreting and educating young students at a time when the appreciation for history is dwindling.  By donating, you help keep the dream alive of making history accessible and exciting for visitors from around the world. 

Additional Ways to Help

  • Donations by check are accepted, payable to “BBPA” and mailed to our mailing address
  • Become a member or up your membership level
  • Volunteer your time, the most precious gift of all
  • Give via a donor-advised fund or charitable gift trust at mutual funds or investment houses. Learn here how these tax benefits are not just for the wealthy
  • Donate or lend Revolution-era items to grow the museum
  • Sponsor an event! Email to enroll
  • Make a grant or challenge grant
  • By contributing, businesses can earn a tax credit thru Pennsylvania’s EITC program. BBPA-EITCbusinesspacket_2019  has more information
  • Consider a bequest or memoriam to BBPA

We are legally known as Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates, Inc. (BBPA), a privately supported, Section 501 (c) (3) I.R.S. tax-exempt entity.

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